At KD Interactive, our business is digital. Web design, social media marketing, search engine optimization…our services all have one commonality: they CHANGE.
Think back to the start of the internet and fast forward to where it is now. It hasn’t just evolved by hosting significantly more content or being able to do more, the location of your internet has changed. We’ve gone from having to sit down at a computer to having access anywhere on our phones.
So with all the changes, and online evolutions, you might think that the formula for providing a user-friendly experience for your online customers is complicated. However, it’s more important than ever to keep your digital marketing simple.
It’s only complicated if you make it complicated. If you approach digital marketing as a “we need to do it all!” approach, you’re end goal, being user-friendly, is going to fail. Keep it simple.
Think of digital marketing as more of a step-by-step process. First you want your clients to do this for awhile, then that , then that and on and on. You don’t have to do it all at once. That’s the greatest thing about the web (I would argue): you can change the content as trends evolve and as your goals changes.
Let’s apply this to web design, which starts with a simple question: “What is the purpose of your website? What do you want people to do?” Too often, clients say “I want them to do this and this and this and this and….” The end result of that approach is a website littered with events, products, twitter feed, news articles, updates, and a potential customer that’s lost. They don’t know where to go first, or how to find what they want.
Keep it simple. Websites—and other digital marketing tools—should be designed so that folks understand what you want them to do. Start with a goal like, “I want them to browse our summer products” then create a webpage that is simple and nudges them in that direction. A bit later, if you want people to sign up for your email list, change your home page slightly so they know how to make that happen.
You don’t have to eliminate their opportunity to browse your products. Keep it simple. Have a simple menu with easy navigation, but have the main focus—and the featured image—point them to your purpose. What do you want them to do? Keep it simple.
At the end of the day, everything digital changes and evolves. The formula for creating a customer-friendly digital experience, however, stays simple.