Marketing gurus can talk in all the concepts all they want (guilty!), but this blog post is not about concepts. This list is all about more concrete, hard-and-fast ways to get more visitors to your website—and logically, to turn those visitors into paying customers.
Make sure your website is worth the visit(s).
Let’s be clear: you are not going to get meaningful website traffic that increases sales unless you have a solid website. A solid website is well-organized, has information written specifically for your audience (if you can’t, contact the pros that can), loads pages quickly, and has an easy-to-use contact site that visitors can use (more must haves for a solid website here). Many a business has tried to promote a crappy website only to find their initial traffic numbers have gone up—but so has their bounce rate (the number of customers leaving their website quickly).
Add your website URLs as the call-to-action in your content marketing pieces.
Content marketing is a powerful piece of marketing; writing content about relevant topics that you can share builds trust with your audience and search engines. That content also gives you a logical place to include your website URLs. Think about it: if you write about a problem you can solve, or something you can help with, it makes cents (pun intended) to link the call-to-action (i.e. for more information, if you have any questions, etc.) to your website where they can contact you for help.
Optimize your website pages.
If you want to get to your customers, you’re going to need to charm a powerful tool that’ll get you there: search engines. Write your website content with two audiences in mind (or hire pros who can): your customers and search engines. Include well-written, optimized, relevant content to keep everyone happy (including yourself when you gain website traffic).
Include website page links in your next email.
Email marketing is a marketing tool with one of the highest return-on-investments—if you build your email list the right way. Once you have a solid email list full of people who want to receive your communications, make sure you catch their attention with creative headlines and direct people logically to your website for information. Note: that doesn’t mean you should fill your email full of random website links. Instead, add them in logically to your email text (or use your content marketing pieces in your email) so your users understand what you want them to do.
Use optimization to get your website to the top.
When users have questions or need information, they go to the top search engines (Bing, Google, Yahoo) and ask. Website optimization gets your website on page one (if done right and with the right technology) so users can find your website (and your content) easily. If you are a local business, you can target your website optimization efforts even tighter; top local SEO firms can get your website at the top of user’s searches within a 10, 20, or 50 mile radius of your location.
Add a website page URL to your postcards.
Adding your website to your postcards, direct mail pieces, and brochures should be common practice. If you have a page where your customers and potential customers can (and want to) interact with your business, add the website URL and an easy-to-scan graphic to get them to your page.
Share your website on social media.
In the middle of all the sharing business pictures and funny memes, it’s easy to forget to share pages from your website. Make sure that your website is a place people want to go to, and add sharing pages from your website to your marketing plan. For example, if you have a page full of coupons, videos, tips, and discounts, let your customers and potential customers know—and make it easy for them to visit the page from social media.
Make your website part of your next video.
Video is the future, so use it to your advantage. You don’t have to make a whole video and jump around and scream your website URL. Instead, make a video with a purpose (as part of a campaign in your marketing plan) and logically insert your website URL as part of the video. For example, if you are making a video about an event, add a page to your website with information and a call-to-action (or put it on social media) and include the URL in your video.
Invest in social media ads.
Social media advertising can be a powerful way to promote your website, if you make it relevant. Social media ads are not a billboard; you need to craft an ad that people (your targeted audience) want to click on to make it effective.
Include your website URL EVERYWHERE.
We admit this isn’t a hard-and-fast tactic, but it’s time to start thinking about your website as part of your business instead of an isolated marketing tactic (more ideas for integrated tactics here). If you have a solid website, put it to work. You’ll be glad you did—and so should your customers.