We’ve said it before, there’s no shame or blame when you outsource your content marketing. To the contrary, outsourcing shows that your company wants to achieve results. It shows you as a business owner are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your business so you can allocate your resources to the projects you excel at.
There are some real benefits of outsourcing (like results and using the experts), but you also have to be realistic and give supportive input to your marketing experts. So follow these do’s and don’ts that get you the best value for your marketing dollar, and achieve optimum results with your marketing partner:
- Don’t just forget about your online marketing. Contribute. Set up regular calls with the company to give them input on relevant topics, frequently asked questions you hear and information about what your goals are. Send them new specials and coupons so they can create content in line with your marketing materials and strategy.
- Do tell them what makes your company unique. What makes your company stand out? What does your company excel at?
- Do give them existing marketing materials. You want all your marketing materials to be seamless—with the same tone and voice. Give them something to work off of so they can create content that doesn’t sound like it’s outsourced. Your company’s online presence is not an online, it should sound and look like it fits with what you’ve already produced.
- Don’t micromanage. Give them direction, information to work off of, revisions and approval.
- Do trust their advice. One of the main reasons for outsourcing is that you giving your business marketing to the experts—the people who breathe and live online marketing. The experts who stay up to date on the latest technologies and stay up-to-date on what works and doesn’t work. Remember, the digital world evolves and changes, and what used to work might not work tomorrow. You’ve trusted them to get the best results, now let them do it.
- Don’t jump on every bandwagon. There’s always a fad or a new craze in the online realm, but that doesn’t mean that fad or new social media site is right for you company or you need to pressure the professionals to follow it. Trust their advice.
- Don’t think that more is always better. If you’re outsourcing, let the professionals put your money into the social media sites that fit your brand and industry. Your company doesn’t need to have a million different social media sites. Choose social media sites that fit your brand, and you have the resources to update regularly.
- Do stay in touch with what they do. Don’t just walk away. Watch what they do and find out what they’re hearing from your customers online.
- Don’t expect unreasonable results. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is online marketing. It takes time and effort to build up an audience. An online presence does not get miracles. Don’t expect them.
- Do tell your customers to check your blog and social media sites. Even with all the advances in technology, word of mouth is still the best way to draw customers and potential customers to your blog and social media sites. Spread the word casually. “Thanks for coming in. Make sure you stay up-to-date on store specials by liking our Facebook page.”
- Do promise and follow through. You can’t have one without the other. If you promise to add a blog or update a social media site in addition to their posts, or you want them to use certain information for their next post, send it to them when you promise.
- Don’t think you’re their only true love. The best marketing companies are in demand. You are not their only client, so don’t be a diva about their time. Remember, they are working on deadline and have other clients they work for. At the same time, do ask for a reasonable amount of time to touch base with them each month.
You may need to find the right balance with your marketing company, but finding the perfect formula yields results—and sales—for both of you.