Ever since the benefits of content marketing became clear (i.e. increased web traffic, value for your customers, etc.), the internet is crawling with content marketing firms full of promises. “Choose us! We get you results!” One of the scariest promises we saw recently was “Fully automated blog gets you to the top!”
While all those promises sound wonderful and we know it can be hard to sift through the smoothest sales talks, there are a five clear signs that can help you weed out the disreputable and find the best content marketing firms (for your business and your budget) that have these commonalities.
A reputable content marketing firm should be able to provide data to back their claims up, both in the benefits of content marketing and what they can do. If your content marketing firm delivers only promises and not numbers, walk away. Contact a reputable content marketing firm that can tell you what a content marketing plan can do for your business, and what they have done for other businesses in the past, with real, concrete data.
Not only can a good content marketing company back up their claims with data, they have the experience to know that it doesn’t happen in a box. Look for a company that doesn’t just offer content marketing, because the best online marketing plan includes online and offline marketing services that coordinate together for a solid marketing strategy. Content marketing pieces are no good unless you use have a strategy for promoting the content; a good content marketing firm knows that (or can give you recommendations on how to use your content).
With all the internet claims and content marketing firms online, testimonials or case studies from a firm’s clients with long-standing relationships can be your godsend—a clear sign your content marketing firm is more than just a robot somewhere pumping out keyword-stuffed text.
There are many content marketing firms that use a one-size-fits-all approach to content marketing. They target businesses in the same industry, and produce a slew of articles that fit the industry. While that sounds wonderful, those generic topics don’t address the specific services your business offers or give your business a face. If your content marketing firm doesn’t ask you specific questions about your business, your clients, and target audience, it’s time to turn the tables and start asking them questions.
No shadiness
Just as copying off your classmate’s paper landed you in hot water back in school, internet plagiarism comes with some very stiff internet penalties. If you even suspect a potential content marketing firm of any shady marketing practices, run far, far away—to a reputable content marketing firm that can deliver quality content that gets you results (that they can prove).