You’re starting to get this whole online marketing thing. You feel like a master of your company’s social media. You’re gaining some traction in your efforts in terms of results, but…
Traditional marketing tactics can grow stagnant. National marketing tactics don’t target local residents that convert into potential customers.
Even the most solid marketing has some room for improvement—or an opportunity to take marketing efforts to the next level.
Make your website search engine friendly.
A company website is the only place where a company can tell their story. This is the only place to highlight products and services that potential customers might be interested in.
But are potential customers seeing it?
If the website is not optimized for search engines, the answer is probably no. Every website—especially websites of businesses trying to reach local customers—should be optimized for search engines. Website content should be written for search engines and the target audience. Websites should include quality images and video that makes it a top pick for search engines and online viewers.
To reach a local audience, take optimization a step further. Employ local optimization technology that can reach potential customers around the company location (or locations). (Use these tips to select a company that can get and demonstrate results.)
Start adding content to your website.
To search engines, regularly added quality content is a signal of a quality website. For customers, well-written content with excellent images is an efficient and easy way to get information to questions. Basically, regular and relevant content helps websites get higher rankings and earn awareness and loyalty with potential customers.
A well-executed content marketing plan can be implemented with some research. Content should be added to a marketing plan with scheduled dates and responsible parties. If the latter is an issue, producing content can be outsourced (affordably) to a marketing firm.
Use GREAT (not just good) images.
Visuals are an important part of any marketing effort. Statistics have shown that both online users and search engines prefer marketing pieces with high-quality images. Head into the next phase of online marketing with the images that meet (and exceed) customer expectations.
Fortunately, high-quality images do not always need to bust the budget. There are several options: in-house production, contracting with an image service, or outsourcing to a marketing agency. There are pros and cons of each option. Customized images are a unique perk of in-house production. However, there are costs (for equipment and staffing) for this option. An online image service is a great resource, though the cost and common images can be a disadvantage. The last option, outsourcing marketing to an agency, may be the most expensive option but comes with professional pieces with high-quality images.
Tap into the power of video.
Videos are a valuable addition to websites and social media, making it an effective marketing strategy. If cost is an issue, consider adding a live video to the marketing schedule. Choose an event worth live-streaming, such as a grand opening or a local community event.
The alternative is purchasing a video with content that won’t change for a time. This kind of content, called evergreen content, can be used on a website or as part of an effective social media marketing campaign.
Be more regular with social media posts.
Effective social media campaigns (that get results) have two commonalities: relevance and regular posts. The concept is that the posts and content are relevant to the target audience, and published on a regular scheduled that increases awareness. Some social media sites even give preference to brands that publish on a regular basis.
The optimal time and frequency for publishing depend on the industry, social media site, and target audience. Use social media insights, data from the experts, and a little experimentation to set an effective schedule; choose the right scheduling tool to make the process more efficient.
Earn more e-mail followers that buy.
E-mail marketing can be an effective marketing tactic IF the recipients are open to the messages. The latter is the key. Building a strong e-mail list isn’t complicated, but it does take a concerted effort. Simple additions, such as a website opt-in and in-person ask (or one of these ideas for building a solid e-mail list), can be the start of building a solid e-mail list.
Start protecting (not just promoting) your brand.
Negative comments and reviews cost businesses significant revenue every day. A recent study proved that potential customers do online research before purchasing; negative reviews tend to drive potential customers away. Instead of pretending that negative reviews don’t exist, take the offensive.
Protecting a company from online negativity isn’t as intimidating as it sounds, especially when using automated software. Because there are numerous sites for online reviews, automated software is a requirement for an efficient brand protection process. Brand protection software monitors for online reviews, allowing businesses to respond to reviews before they are even posted (contact a firm for more information on brand protection software).